8 Best Hot Oil Manicure Benefits & Steps to Apply

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Similar to every part of your body, nails health is equally vital. Everybody desires to have soft and healthy cuticles and wants to clean them without any scars also.

To do it the best, you have to apply a hot oil manicure which needs some essential oils in it like castor oil, Vitamin E, and sunflower oil.
Hot oil manicure is somewhat readily available at many spas and parlors over the country, but they come with expensive.
What if you can make the same remedy at home without losing that extra money in the parlor?
Yes, you are absolutely correct. Here we will reveal some steps on how to practice hot oil manicure at home. Hot oil manicure has several benefits to apply.

Benefits of Hot Oil Manicure:

1. Detoxify your Nails:
Beauty detox is not only important for the skin but also for nails. This can keep your nails to be a super healthy and beautiful in shape. One of the best methods to detoxify your nails is by applying a hot oil manicure. This fantastic method helps to get rid of the gathered dead skin cells from your finger and toe nails.
2. Make Stronger your Brittle Nails:
Brittle nails tend to breakage and damage. This is a common problem that most of the people are facing nowadays. But the good news is that hot oil manicures can make stronger your brittle nails and stop them from breaking.
3. Make Your Nails Cuticles Soft:
The most used oils for this process are olive oil, vitamin E oil, castor oil, sunflower oil, etc.  All these natural oils can soften the cuticles efficiently and stop them from occurring too dry or patchy. Whereas there are other methods that you can apply to make softer cuticles, but this method is mentioned to be one of the best one.
4. Nourishes Your Hands Skin:
The oils applied in this great beauty treatment are regarded to keep a huge amount of skin-benefiting properties that can offer deep nourishment to your hand’s skin. Therefore, the skin on your hands will result in a flexible and soft feeling.
5. Stops Dark Patches: 
Gathered toxins and dirt elements can cause dark patches about your fingernails. This skin mark is pretty common nowadays.  But, applying hot oil manicures on a regular basis can stop these patches and confirms that there is no discoloration of skin about the nails.
6. It slows down the Ageing Process of your skin: 
Your hand’s skin can be dead before your age. For this reason, it is vital to keep it hydrated and well moisturized for all the time. This is why a hot oil manicure can be extremely useful, as it can offer a nutrition improvement to your hand’s skin along with slowing down its ageing process.
7. Eliminate Hangnails:
One more outstanding benefit of hot oil manicure is that it can efficiently eliminate hangnails. Irritating and throbbing hangnails are skin tears that often grow in the base of the fingernail. A regular hot oil manicure can keep these annoying skin tears at bay.
8. Exfoliates the Skin:
Your hand’s skin is always exposed to different types of microorganisms. Whereas a few germs may remove through hand washing, but most of them enter the deep layers in the skin and cause infections. Therefore, regularly exfoliate your hand’s skin to confirm that it stays free from germs. This benefit of hot oil manicure confirms one of the best dealings for your nails. This manicure process needs time and effort. Therefore, try this process to keep your precious skin and nails on your hands to stay healthy and in good condition.

How to do Hot Oil Manicure?

Follow these simple and beneficial steps to get the hot oil manicure benefits.
  • Almond Oil
  • Castor oil
  • Vitamin E oil and capsules
  • Sunflower oil

Hot Oil Manicure Steps:

  • Take a bowl and add 4-5 spoons of every type of oil into the bowl, stir them properly and place it in the microwave for 20 seconds.
  • While your solution is being hot, add vitamin E capsules.
  • Before dropping your hand to the oil bowl, confirm that the oil shouldn’t be very hot.
  • Rub your cuticles inside the bowl lightly and press your palm back and forward.
  • Leave for 3 to 4 minutes, heat the solution again and dip your hands.
  • You can take a few drops of the oil and can scrub it around your wrist; it will give you the easiness.
  • Wash your hands using warm water; confirm water shouldn’t be cold.
  • Clean your hands and wipe off using a clean towel.
  • Apply hand moisturizer after doing everything.
Proper care of your nails will finally give you a better result. Follow these above mentioned hot oil manicure at home.